PEEWIT. . . . . .hkhkhkhkhkhkhkhk


Sunday, 17 April 2011

palestine. . . .

 update. . . Tadi lepas ja balik kerja, lepak2 jap ngan incas aku d Islamic restoran yg kononnya since 1981. . . makan roti planta kami d situ. . .. bayangkan, kami lepak dari jam 5.45 sampai jam 8.50 malam. . . ermmm. . . ntah apa apa la yg kami cerita. . .. . balik ja dari sana. . . aku lepak2 d bilik,  petik2 gitar, rehat2 sambil mencongak hari dan perancangan kami mcm yg kami cerita td. . (mau bisnes sebnarnya) hkhkhkhkhkhk. .. . jauh melayang fikiran ku sampaikan aku terfikir pasal palestin. . . saudara Islam kita d gaza. . . . jadi, aku mau tulis la sini, mana la tau hangpa2 nie semua ada yg x tau dan x sedar apa yg sebenarnya berlaku d sana sebab yang kita dengar kan cuma serangan, serangan,  bantuan, plan damai, banyak lagi la yg selalu d siarkan sampai benda tue jadi lali dengan kita, macam ndada apa ja. . . so,  NAMPAK PETA D ATAS NI? ok. . . . . . ini la peta palestin dan israel. . . JURUSALEM /Masjidil Aqsa (kiblat umat Islam yang pertama) letaknya di sini. . .KAWASAN YANG HIJAU TU ADALAH TANAH PALESTIN. . . . tengok gambar paling kiri tu? itu lah kawasan Palestin yang asal. . . yang putih tu kawasan israel. . . . .penindasan yang d buat oleh Israel dan musuh2 Islam yang lain telah menjadikan tanah Palestin tinggal (mcm yang dalam pic paling kanan) ITU SAHAJA. . . . . nampak ka PALESTIN SEDANG DI KURUNG??? di kepung? bukan sahaja d kepung, malah segala bekalan yang sekiranya d ragui boleh d jadikan senjata dan peledak tidak akan dbenarkan untuk d bawa masuk. . . .jadi,  tiada pembangunan, tiada makanan yang cukup, tiada pelajaran, kurang ubatan dan segala macam yang kita ada sekarang tiada d sana. . . .inikan untuk selesa, yang asas ja pun ndada bha. . . aissshhh. . .awal febuari 2011 hari tu, ada seorang dari PALESTIN yg d bawa khas dari sana ceritakan pada kami 'complete' tentang apa yang jadi d sana selain dari apa yang kita dengar di berita. Mamat tu siap bawak video ekslusif yang belum d tayangkan d mana2 stesen TV dunia. Rakaman amatur tu kalau dak silap dalam 1jam lebih la, peerrgghhh. . . . kalau setakat cerita, masih bole d kawal perasaan. Tapi apa yg aku nampak, memang buat aku sebak. 
            Gambar paling kanan tu, ada satu kawasan hijau dekat laut (warna biru tu la laut) ha ha ha. . .ok, itu adalah Gaza. d sekeliling Gaza, d daratan, didirikan tembok yang tingginya 25kaki dan d kawal ketat oleh tentera Israel. bayangkan . . .25 kaki, mau panjat 1 hal, mendekati tembok tu pun akan d tembak oleh askar2 israel. Celaka kan. . . . d laut pulak, orang2 palestin cuma bole menangkap ikan dalam lingkungan 12 kilometer dari pantai, lebih daripada tu, bukan d tangkap, tapi d tembak terus... !! jadi, d mana mau carik makanan? d ceritakan lagi masa ceramah oleh mamat tu, d balik tembok (sebelah bawah gambar yang warna biru muda sikit dari laut) tu adalah negara MESIR. jadi, orang2 palestin ni menggali terowong di bawah tembok tu untuk mendapat bekalan barang2 asas, makan, pakai, ubat, dan macam2 lagi la. rupa2nya, ada lebih dari 50 terowong yang diorang gali untuk tujuan tu. Ada terowong yang luasnya boleh muat  kereta beb. . !!. TENGOK LA KUDRAT SAUDARA ISLAM KITA UNTUK TERUS HIDUP. . . . tu yg buat aku tefikir tadi tu. . . . . tak banyak tau hal ni, jadi, aku rasa, mau kongsi la lagi nanti, banyak lagi yang aku mau cerita secara santai manatau kamu boleh paham kan, rehat2 dulu. .. . . Assalamualaikum

Saturday, 16 April 2011


Assalamualaikum. . . . 

        Sure no one see this. . . its ok. .hkhkhkhkhk. . . . im not ready to reveal this diary kind of writing hekhekhek. .ok. . . before sharing about what im expected tomorrow, i need U guys to understand the main point of this post. . . i want u guys know my carrier and its can be used to give 'picture about my desire to make my day awesome. .!! maybe u guys can follow a little or sharing yours to me being more ready and count my step before move forward. clear huh. .!! 
        okay,  Im an aircraft technician. . . .releasing aircraft to fly by pilot, 'diagnose' snag, repairs it and do some administration job is my scope on shift work. so, as what  been trained, i have to be independent and thats what i did. . .. actually i'm  fully depended motivation person. . .im watching peoples around, and search an element that i can used to tell myself that im much much more better at least i can defeat 4 persons a day. . .bad huh??? what do you think? someone taught me that. . . . .so,  i applied that and its work. . . i can see the result end of the day. . . . maybe i got student reader and i wanna tell U guys once again, its work . ha ha ha. . .
         back to my story. . .this morning,  other shift handed over us some work. . 
that task actually about fuel tank. . . this aircraft is fitted with new fuel tank and of course new set of probes. Fuel Quantity measurement is part of my job since im in instrument stream. Normally, anytime those probes changes or refitted, before screwing, those component have to test manually by means of using fuel brought outside and parallel arrangement of pair of probes sink to test ability of its capacitance function as required. What we have this morning just now is perfectly fitted 5 probes in 3 tanks. . . discussion made and we doubted that All those probes is not test yet. . . so we prepared all tools and doing test. . im the one who get into the tank and screwed out all probes. . . avtur fumes, sauna hot, its normal for me, im doing job i set in my mind. . . still smiles and sometimes joke with 3 of my friend outside. . . 
         After all probes completely screwed out, we ON power for that system, FUEL QUANTITY INDICATOR supposed indicate 0 Lbs . .  what we have??? maximum reading (no feul in all tanks) its empty . .!!! . !!! (dies) . . . huh. . .!!! what actually happened? we try to find that out and makes that thing work supposedly. so. . . . im gonna die tomorrow, doin' job in that ''drug'' and steamy hot tank. .. . .!!! im ready becoz i have to work with honest maybe. . . .. .hekhekhek!!!   but what makes me disappointed is, WHY THEY FITTED THAT THINGS EARLier WITHOUT PERFORM ANY TEST ON IT??? we will know it on monday. . . !! for now, im sharing and its considered free from my head.  .hkhkhkhkhkhk. . . . sleep. . .!! until next post. . .!!! hekhekhek. . .


Friday, 15 April 2011

This Is New For M

ermmm. . . y'all . . . I'm new for this type of talking medium hekhekhek. . !!!. . .u know what. . .in my real life i'm not sharing too much to everybody about what i feel, what i wanna do, and whatever happened . . . as what i can see, there's not many people out there can be my partner to share. .i'm very strict to befriend with people around me. . . (im not say im good, but i'm just feeling discomfort with their habit. . . certain of them). .  . then, i created facebook account so i can find friends to bring something different in my life, sharing, and little caring. . . hkhkhkhk. . .but. .!! what happened inside is totally unexpected. . . .im not sharing, but its more to finding love . .. .hakhakhak. . .!! im addicted into it but i realized that its made me 60% tension . . . im happy but some scene there needs me to being 'not me' . i have to calm many heart, making fun so some1 can feel happy even i felt discomfort, and  more bad thing is cheat. .!!! . . . revealed. . .i have 4 girlfriend (they assumed) and 1 errmmm. . . this guy, assumed me as his very very very close friend. . .. we're not in love but. . . . as i told earlier. . .caring. . . i dont know what supossed i call that. . . hakhakhak. . . .!!! . .  . tired huh. . !!! im addicted to joke actually, ,read people's joke, coincidence joke there, pictures, video shared, etc,  but u know what. . . its not released whats in my mind, evenmore, it just makes me think about all things happened over and over, . so, to who can i share??? telling my friend??? they laugh on me? they easy to understand me for my INDONESIANs slank??. ha ha ha. . .!!! totally, its almost a year im playing games in facebook. .  . good, and bad. . For sharing, i think in my status is suitable icon but u know, its limited to 420W if im not mistaken. . . im not finished my story and that status unable to upload. very sad huh. .!! . . . .so,  . .. what i got here, i can write as long as i can maybe until  coma or my keyboard's 'A' button unable to give 'A' on my screen. . . hakhakhak. .!!! .. . im continue sharing and if you guys interested to read, its bonus. but the main thing here is, i wanna share, i wanna write, and i have learned new thing about creating page, just  assumed this all my history, , , , updated everytime i have something to share. . .so, i hope for this beginning, no one people surrounding me found this page. . . hakhakhakha. . .!!! siapa yang jumpa. . . . buat senyap ya. . ..  this page not for U. . . this is for people those wanna read someone life. . . . lol. . .!!

Thursday, 14 April 2011

WHAT. . . . . .. ????? Ha ha ha ha

Assalamualaikum. . . . . 

First Of All. . . . As Usual. . . .Intro myself huh. . . arshavinarman is not my real name actually.. .  but its not my style to reveal my real name due to errmmmm. . . . u know. .. . safety and . . . . . . hak hak hak..!! so guys. . .girl. . . i created this blog to write. . . . coz i like to talk. . . i like to share. . . sharing is carring and its fun i think. . .. i'd like to know many think and share that to everyone. . .. so. . . my 29 years aged, im here and Alhamdulillah, im health and still looking for what actually i want in this life. . . .  errmmm . . .. u guys can find me on facebook by click here and in mig33 mobile phone chatgroup with my profile. . . .. (later yeah) ha ha ha ha ha . . . .!!!